Training day for the film "Maquisard" was a great time! We trained today for 5 hours in military tactics from some extremely skilled military tacticians. i.e. how to properly advance and retreat in a hostile environment, clear rooms, clear hallway, etc. We also learned the proper military formations and terminology used in all of the above scenarios.

This production is going to be a blast to film! The producer and director are working right now on the permits to film in an abandoned town 3 hours north of Los Angeles. Hopefully things work out for that location. If not, there are some back ups that sound equally incredible.
I can't wait to film with everyone. It is going to be a ton of fun lighting the fields up with these crazy bastards!!
Until then I will be researching more into the military tactics and language we've already learned and fine tune my German accent.
Bill Doherty Jr.~