Bill Doherty Jr. Blog

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bill Doherty Jr. takes the Larry Moss workshop performing "Brilliant Traces"

This was one of the most amazing actor coaching experiences I've had to date. The workshop was four days 8 to ten hours of nonstop acting. It was inspirational and inspiring. Larry Moss is one of the best acting coaches I've had the pleasure of working with. He is powerful, passionate, insightful, inspirational and doesn't hold back or sugar coat anything (which is exactly what I need). I absolutely loved the class and am looking forward to the next round.

I performed a 20 minute piece of "Brilliant Traces" by Cindy Lou Johnson with my scene partner Robyn Cohen. We performed it the first time for Larry under our own interpretation, which he critiqued. We rehearsed it again with Larry's notes and performed it again with his adjustments. It was an amazing experience.

~Bill Doherty Jr.~