Bill Doherty Jr. Blog

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bill Doherty Jr. is cast in 86'd written by Jon Polito and Darryl Armbruster

Bill Doherty Jr. is cast as a hothead 80's punk in the world premiere of the play 86'd written by Jon Polito and Darryl Armbruster. Directed by Ronnie Marmo this roller coaster of a story takes place at an 80's diner and puts humanity to the test with a dead man's winning lottery ticket. The show is scheduled to run from November 17 to December 22 on Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's at Theater 68, 5419 West Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90027.

Written by: Jon Polito and Darryl Armbruster
Directed by: Ronnie Marmo
Assistant Director: Heidi Rhodes
Set Design: Danny Cistone
Lighting Design: Mathew Richter