Bill Doherty Jr. Blog

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bill Doherty Jr. co-stars in the film "Paper View" directed by Ricky Presas

Bill Doherty Jr. kicks off his first day of filming his supporting role of the heavy drinking, weed smoking, ball busting buddy of Brian 1 who has his legs on the line, due to a bet with a bookie on a U.F.C. fight in the film “Paper View”.

Paper View” is a comedy about a group of people having a party to watch a U.F.C. fight that is nearly impossible to get on demand smoothly.  In this tale, whatever can go wrong, does go wrong.

Written and produced by Brian D. Evans and directed by Ricky Presas. Starring: Bill Doherty Jr., Brian D. Evans, David Kopcych, Kandace Cummings, Don Lancaster, and Ana Sophia Guerreira.