The trailer for "Love Hurts" has been completed and released. This film is written, produced, edited, and directed by Bill Doherty Jr. and stars Bill Doherty Jr., David Ryan Kopcych, James Crosby, Gary Medeiros and Nairobi Zelman. The expected festival release for this film is spring of 2009.
After weeks of solid dedication and countless all nighters, Bill Doherty Jr. also finishes the rough edit of his film “Love Hurts” (I think). It is now ready for music composition. It will be sent out for music 4/15/09. Once it’s back it will be 100% done and ready for festivals.
“It looks great. I am really excited and pleased with it’s outcome. I thank everyone again for all the help, hard work, and dedication involved with this project.” ~Bill Doherty Jr.~